All Catnic Juliet balconies are fully submerged in a zinc bath after manufacture to BS EN ISO 1461:1:1999, fully protecting every surface, cut edge and weld with a metallurgically bonded zinc coating. In addition a black powder coated finish is available on request. Our balconies are compliant with both the Building Regulations Part K2:1998 (2000) and BS 6180:2011 Code of practice for protective barriers in and about buildings. All balconies are designed, manufactured and tested to meet building regulations and NHBC technical requirements
Named after the famous balcony scene from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet the shallow balcony is designed to provide a decorative safety barrier in front of French windows. The Catnic Usk range is simple and effective design, ideal for use on houses and apartment buildings and is available in width increments of 100mm from 1200mm to 2500mm.
As a general guideline to determine the size of balcony required take the clear opening width and add 300mm and select the next available incremental width.